Segera Daftar di Aplikasi Pra Kerja, Dapatkan Rp 2.4 Juta Tunai

4 min read

Pemerintah membuka program kartu Pra Kerja yang dapat membantu 2 juta pekerja untuk meningkatkan keterampilan melalui pelatihan online dan offline. Pendaftaran kartu pra kerja direncanakan akan dibuka online di bulan maret 2022.

Keuntungan Kartu Prakerja

Dengan skema pelatihan yang telah disesuaikan dengan kondisi pandemi dan kemampuan masyarakat saat ini, maka beberapa manfaat yang diperoleh oleh peserta yang berpartisipasi dalam kartu tenaga kerja adalah paket dana dengan total Rp3.550.000. Dengan rincian sebagai berikut.

  • Bantuan pelatihan untuk membeli berbagai kursus yang disediakan oleh Rp1 juta
  • Mendapatkan dana insentif Rp. 600 ribu per bulan selama 4 bulan
  • Insentif Setelah Mengisi Survei IDR 50 ribu untuk 3 Pengisian Data

Cara Daftar Pra Kerja

Untuk bisa mendapatkan kartu pra-kerja daftar trading forex indonesia, ada dua tahap live forex trading yang harus Anda lalui. Yaitu, mendaftarkan kartu pra-kerja broker forex yang bisa deposit bank lokal. Untuk langkah ini, Anda hanya perlu mengatur alamat email aktif. Begini caranya memulai trading forex:

1. Unduh/Instal aplikasi trading forex strategies
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2. Buka situs proyek dan pilih Daftar dan masukkan alamat email aktif.
3. Masukkan kata sandi, lalu konfirmasikan kata sandi. Pilih daftar. Situs akan mengirim email verifikasi langsung.
4. Buka email aktif Anda, lalu klik tautan verifikasi email terdaftar. Jika Anda tidak mendapatkannya di halaman utama, coba periksa spam, media sosial, dan bagian lain.
5. Buka situs verifikasi, dan pilih menu Metode Verifikasi. Masukkan kode verifikasi yang telah diterima, dan lengkap. Sekarang Anda telah berhasil memiliki akun kartu pra-kerja

Setelah Anda selesai membuat akun kartu kerja pra-kerja, Anda harus mendaftar untuk mendapatkan kartu pra-kerja.

Masukkan halaman Latihan, lalu masuk menggunakan akun yang telah terdaftar sebelumnya. Kemudian klik menu Daftar Kartu Pra-Kerja. Kemudian isi formulir pendaftaran menggunakan verifikasi KTP, isi data Anda sepenuhnya lengkap termasuk nomor telepon Anda. Siapkan pemindaian KTP asli, lalu unggah.

Untuk langkah selanjutnya masukkan kode OTP yang telah dikirim melalui SMS, lalu klik tombol Verifikasi. Isi pernyataan pendaftar untuk menyelesaikan. Anda kemudian akan diminta untuk menyelesaikan tes motivasi dan kemampuan dasar.


































































Forex can be an alternative to buying and selling activitiesprofitable. However, before choosing a forex broker , make sure the company is officially registered with CoFTRA. Here are five lists of the best forex brokers in Indonesia.

Want to know what are the best forex brokers in Indonesia?? Before that, see the full explanation of forex and the recommendations for the best and safe forex brokerage companies that you need to know.

Forex ( foreign exchange ) is another term for the foreign exchange or foreign currency exchange. Forex trading is carried out by a trader by utilizing a broker site registered under supervision(Commodity Futures Market Supervisory Agency).
According to the book Forex Online Transactions with Marketiva Streamster by Joko Salim (2008), Forex is a combination of two words in English, namely ” foreign ” which means foreign or foreign and ” exchange ” which means exchange.

From an economic point of view, trading is a fairly profitable buying and selling activity. Quoting the book Easy Ways to Start a Forex Business on the Internet by Hiqmad Muharman, forex trading is the largest financial exchange in the world with daily transaction volumes reaching more than 2 trillion US Dollars. This figure is certainly tempting for some people.
It can be interpreted that forex is an activity of exchanging foreign currencies. Forex is likened to an activity of exchanging rupiah with foreign currencies at money changers such as EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and others.

For example, the USD/IDR exchange rate is IDR 15,000, meaning that if you want to buy 1 US Dollar, you have to spend IDR 15,000. The principle in trading is also simple. Buy currency pairs when they are low in value, and resell them when they are high.
List of Best Forex Brokers in Indonesia

A forex broker is a company that has been officially registered as a liaison between market participants and the international foreign exchange market. Brokers also provide facilities so that people can transact online.
Before jumping into forex trading, you need to make sure that the broker is licensed and clear. The existence of local Forex brokers in Indonesia is regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (BAPPEBTI). While international Forex brokers are regulated by a number of countries. One example is FCA UK of England.

5 Best, Trusted and Safe Forex Brokers in Indonesia (1)

Illustration of the Best Forex Broker in Indonesia. Photo: Bezanger
Here are the five best forex brokers in Indonesia that you must know, which the author has summarized from various sources:

1. PT Trijaya Pratama Futures

Trijaya Pratama Features was established in 2004 and is officially registered with CoFTRA and a member of the Jakarta futures exchange and Indonesia futures clearing. This brokerage firm has more than 50,000 customers and has branch offices in Jakarta, Medan and Makassar.
The superior feature is Autochartist, which makes it easier for traders to monitor currency movements. Customer funds are guaranteed because they are deposited into a separate account or segregated account at a bank appointed and determined by the regulator in Indonesia, namely CoFTRA.

2. PT Global Kapital Investama Futures

This broker has the trademark GKInvest. This official futures brokerage company is headquartered in Jakarta and has obtained a permit from CoFTRA.
PT Global Kapital Investama Berjangka is an official member of two well-known Indonesian exchanges, ICDX ( Indonesian Commodity and Derivative Exchange ) and JFX ( Jakarta Future Exchange ).
GKInvest serves trading products in the form of currencies, stock indices, precious metals, and oil. For those who are still confused about forex trading, this broker provides free training that clients need to become a reliable trader, you know .

3. PT Asia Trade Point Futures

Asia Trade has been registered with CoFTRA so its trust is guaranteed. This brokerage company also offers the cheapest deposit investment package for only IDR 10 million. Trading products are in the form of forex, oil, gold , and multilateral.
For each package, it provides education about free forex education and this is certainly useful for beginner forex traders. Like learning forex, webinars, and face-to-face meetings so don’t worry about not being guided.

4. PT Monex Investindo Futures

Monex Investindo Futures provides services with spreads (sheets) starting from 0. So that profit can be maximized with very minimal spreads . MIFX is trusted as a forex futures trading broker because it is officially registered with CoFTRA.

5. MRG Mega Futures

Before being known as MRG Mega, previously it was better known as PT Askap Features which was founded in 1998. Being the first futures brokerage company recognized by the Indonesian government.
It has a Social Trade feature so that novice traders can learn from the experience of experienced traders. This broker requires a minimum deposit of 5 million and is relatively affordable for novice traders who want to try forex trading in Indonesia.

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